EAcham Overseas Buyers Delegation Gathers for the 22nd Yangjiang International Hardware Knives and Scissors Fair
Source: | Author:eacham | Published time: 2023-11-02 | 959 Views | Share:

The 22nd Yangjiang International Hardware Knives and Scissors Fair was held at the Yangjiang International Convention and Exhibition Center from October 19th to 22nd, marking the back of offline event after years for online ones.

This was the first time that the exhibition combined online digital exhibition with offline physical exhibition hall. The exhibition, in 20000 square meters, was divided into four areas grading A to D with 700 booths in total. In order to show an entire industry chain, there were five main exhibition regions including hardware knives, scissors, kitchen supplies, machinery, raw and auxiliary materials and supporting packaging materials. Sub areas included 15 ones, that is, knives, scissors, household products, kitchen supplies, gifts, stainless steel products, daily hardware, tools, building hardware, iron products, horticultural equipment, raw and auxiliary materials, packaging and decoration, and hardware machinery. With the synchronous integration of online and offline integration, the fair was undoubtedly the world's largest hardware knife and scissors exhibition as well as sales platform.


EAcham International Delegation Brought with continuous overseas orders on site 

With its strong international platform, EAcham has greatly assisted the Yangjiang International Hardware Knives and Scissors Fair in further internationalization, giving high-quality suppliers an opportunity to do business with partners from hundreds of countries and explore global market even without leaving the country. During October 18th -19th, 2023, EAcham had successfully organized 100 professional international buyers from 31 countries (including Germany, the United States, France, Russia, Italy, Belarus, Venezuela, Bolivia, Yemen, Iran, Thailand, Nigeria, India, Pakistan) to visit Yangjiang, Guangdong, and to participate in the 22nd Yangjiang International Hardware Knives and Scissors Fair. On the fair, many guests had found suitable suppliers, and the intended procurement amount hit $3.5 million. Both Chinese suppliers and international buyers spoke highly on the events.







Overseas Brands in Attendance, the Exhibition More International

In the exhibition, there was area set up especially for overseas exhibitors. The participation of foreign brand knife and scissors enterprises effectively brought the exhibition more internationalized. Yimalaya, one member enterprise of EAcham, made its debut at the Yangjiang International Hardware Knives and Scissors Fair. As a Nepalese trading company, Yimalaya dedicated to expanding the export of Nepalese military knife products. Its product, the Gurkha Kukri knife on display, was an iconic weapon of the Nepalese, its inward blade design dating back to Nepal in 17th century. The enterprise hoped to establish business cooperation with more Chinese distributors and wholesalers through this event, and explore the Chinese market together. The famous French scissors brand, the Rochelong Brothers, as well as the Hungarian scissors brand, Royalty Line, also attended the fair this year.



Enlarge Exhibition+ Effects, Stimulate City Vitality

In addition to economic and trade exchanges, this year the fair was also committed to attracting investment, integrating into the development of the Greater Bay Area, and taking in culture and tourism. On the afternoon of October 19th, 2023, EAcham and the organizing committee jointly organized the "Entering Yangjiang" activity for investment and trade inspection. With the inspection to three well-known local enterprises, foreign buyers turned to have a deeper understanding of Yangjiang and its advantageous industries.

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